How they are struggling to find devices we didn’t know we wanted! One useless idea after the other while the only design concept that have seemed to work is to make the phone screen bigger and brighter and making really small or really big tablets. And then ASUS decides to combine the tablet and the phone. The phone is, yes, a phone. A decent phone even it looks like. But it comes with a dock which is actually a tablet. You hook your phone up on the back of the dock which is also a tablet and voila you have a, yes you guessed it, a tablet! All your stuff on a bigger tablet screen while your phone screen is hidden and unreachable.
Normally I blow of new design concepts like this immediately, but with this one I can’t decided whether it’s a good idea or not, or even if I think it will work reliably. But I have to say that there’s something here that appeals to me: I have one device with all my data on it which is a phone, and when I need a bigger screen I have one available and do not need to store and keep track of data on two devices. Yes, I kinda like it! But this is a concept that has to prove itself though daily use. If the phone isn’t good or the tablet screen is dull it all falls apart. On the other hand, if they have pulled this off making it a good phone and a decent tablet I might be willing to spend some time on finding out whether this is a design concept we will see more of and be happy to see more of.
Take a look here: The ASUS PadPhone